Our Playground

In 2012 our playground was awarded Highly Commended in the National Kidsafe Playspace and Design Awards. Our new playground was designed by Tessa Rose Landscapes and constructed by Jamie Miller Landscapes.

Our playground was designed to give children opportunities to run, climb, build and explore in a natural environment which challenges them as well as offering opportunities to ‘just be’. There are rocks and trees to climb, places to build, dig or paint, animals and gardens to care for and places just to relax, read and enjoy the outdoors. 

Our children spend as much time learning in the outdoor environment as they do inside. For this reason our educators take as much care in planning and setting up the outdoor play spaces as they do the indoors.

Whether it’s planting and harvesting vegetables, checking the frog pond for tadpoles, climbing trees, riding bikes or digging in the sandpit, you will always find our children busy in the playground. Children learn so much about the world and their place in it by being given the time and freedom to enjoy the outdoors.