Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are your current vacancies? 
A: Call Inaburra Preschool on (02) 9541 1465 for information on current vacancies.

Q: What are Inaburra Preschools fees?
A: Our government funds different ages at different levels. For more details on fees, please click here, or call the Inaburra Preschool office.

Q: If you don’t intend on sending your child to Inaburra school, can they still attend?
A: Absolutely. Our Preschool graduates attend public, private and Catholic schools right around the Sutherland Shire and beyond.

Q: What are your operating hours?
A: Please click here for current operating hours.

Q: What rebates are available to help with fees?
A: Inaburra Preschool receives funding from the NSW State Government Start Strong Preschool Program, distributed through the NSW Department of Education. Families are not required to access Centrelink for Childcare Subsidy Rebates.